Morgellons Disease
By Frank G
A horrifying and fascinating disease is affecting thousands of people in the Bay Area, along the Gulf Coast, Florida and throughout the world. The disease is called Morgellons, and no one knows what causes it or if it's even a real skin disorder. People with weird symptoms with no alternatives available at the moment find comfort and a diagnosis on the Internet. After more than a year of pressure from patients convinced they have Morgellons, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will begin investigating the ailment for the first time and determine, once and for all, whether the Morgellons disease exists.
It was named 2002 by Mary Leitao in McMurray, Pa. Leitao named the condition Morgellons Disease, after a disease with similar symptoms mentioned in a 16th-century medical text, while investigating a skin condition on her then two year old son. Nobody had every heard about it before then. Till this day, few doctors have heard of the condition; fewer still know what to make of it. Most in the medical community dismiss it as a hoax, scabies, Lyme disease or a mental condition called Delusional Parasitosis. Delusional Parasitosis is a mistaken belief that one is being infested by parasites such as mites, lice, fleas, spiders, worms, bacteria, or other organisms.
Most victims with this skin disease report painful crawling, stinging, and biting sensations, as well as non-healing skin lesions, which are associated with fiber like or filamentous structures. Victims as well have reported the presence of seed-like granules and black speck-like material above and in their lesions. The reaction of medical professionals has made a difficult situation even harder for victims. Dermatologists claim the filaments are all delusions, although none had taken the time to even study them.
Oklahoma State University Professor Randy Wymore was the first scientist to conduct research on this skin disease. He says it's the biggest mystery he's ever been involved in. Wymore says his tests rule out not only textile fibers, but also worms, insects, animal material and even human skin and hair. He says the filaments are not an external contamination. Instead, they are a substance that materializes somehow inside the body, apparent artifacts of something infectious. If no more medical professionals take the time to study this, we may never know the truth as it continues to spread.
Frank G
For more information please visit
Providing information into the mysterious Morgellons disease. Offering news, helpful links, and articles for people who are suffering, or believe they are suffering from, this affliction.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Morgellons disease: Managing a mysterious skin condition
Morgellons disease: Managing a mysterious skin condition
Morgellons disease is mysterious and controversial. Here you'll find answers to common questions about Morgellons disease — and suggestions for coping with it.
Morgellons disease is a mysterious skin disorder characterized by disfiguring sores and crawling sensations on and under the skin. Although Morgellons disease isn't widely recognized as a medical diagnosis, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are investigating reports of the condition.
If you suspect that you have Morgellons disease, you may have many questions about the condition. Here's what you need to know about Morgellons disease, including practical tips for managing your signs and symptoms.
What are the signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease?
The Morgellons Research Foundation lists six primary signs and symptoms of the condition:
* Skin lesions accompanied by intense itching
* Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging or biting
* Fatigue significant enough to interfere with daily activity
* Inability to concentrate and difficulty with short-term memory
* Behavioral changes
* Fibers — which can be white, blue, green, red or black — in and on the lesions
These signs and symptoms might appear along with changes in vision, stomach pain or other gastrointestinal symptoms, and changes in skin texture and pigment.
Morgellons disease shares characteristics with various recognized conditions, including attention-deficit disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder and a mental illness involving false beliefs about infestation by parasites (delusional parasitosis).
How long has Morgellons disease been around?
In 1674, English physician and writer Sir Thomas Browne used the term "Morgellons disease" to describe "black hairs" emerging from childhood skin lesions. Today, the Morgellons Research Foundation doesn't claim that the disorder described by Browne is the same as Morgellons disease. Rather, the foundation adopted the term as a convenient label for a set of signs and symptoms.
How widespread is Morgellons disease?
Reports of Morgellons disease have been made in every state in the United States and 15 countries around the world. Most reported cases are clustered in Calfironia, Texas and Florida.
What do researchers know about Morgellons disease?
Beyond anecdotal reports, researchers know little about Morgellons disease. The Morgellons Research Foundation reports no known causes of Morgellons disease and no successful treatment for the condition. Whether Morgellons disease is contagious remains a mystery.
How controversial is Morgellons disease?
Current attitudes toward Morgellons disease fall into various categories:
* Some health professionals believe that Morgellons disease is a specific condition likely to be confirmed by future research.
* Some health professionals believe that signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease are caused by another condition, often mental illness.
* Other health professionals don't acknowledge Morgellons disease or are reserving judgment until more is known about the condition.
Some people who suspect Morgellons disease claim they've been ignored, criticized as delusional or dismissed as fakers. In contrast, some doctors say that people who report signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease typically resist other explanations for their condition.
How can you cope with the signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease?
The signs and symptoms linked to Morgellons disease can be distressing. Even though health professionals disagree about the nature of the condition, you deserve compassionate treatment. While research continues, take positive steps to manage your signs and symptoms.
* Establish a caring health care team. Find a doctor who acknowledges your concerns and does a thorough examination. Since Morgellons disease often requires frequent follow-up visits, a local health care team may be most convenient.
* Be patient. Your doctor will likely look for known conditions that point to evidence-based treatments before considering a diagnosis of Morgellons disease.
* Keep an open mind. Consider various causes for your signs and symptoms, and follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment — which may include long-term mental health therapy.
* Seek treatment for other conditions. Get treatment for anxiety, depression or any other condition that affects your thinking, moods or behavior.
* Keep track of the latest news about Morgellons disease. Supplement the information you find online with articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Remember that some sources are more reputable than are others.
To learn more about Morgellons disease or to report suspected cases of Morgellons disease, call the CDC Morgellons information and voice mail line at 404-718-1199.
Morgellons disease is mysterious and controversial. Here you'll find answers to common questions about Morgellons disease — and suggestions for coping with it.
Morgellons disease is a mysterious skin disorder characterized by disfiguring sores and crawling sensations on and under the skin. Although Morgellons disease isn't widely recognized as a medical diagnosis, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are investigating reports of the condition.
If you suspect that you have Morgellons disease, you may have many questions about the condition. Here's what you need to know about Morgellons disease, including practical tips for managing your signs and symptoms.
What are the signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease?
The Morgellons Research Foundation lists six primary signs and symptoms of the condition:
* Skin lesions accompanied by intense itching
* Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging or biting
* Fatigue significant enough to interfere with daily activity
* Inability to concentrate and difficulty with short-term memory
* Behavioral changes
* Fibers — which can be white, blue, green, red or black — in and on the lesions
These signs and symptoms might appear along with changes in vision, stomach pain or other gastrointestinal symptoms, and changes in skin texture and pigment.
Morgellons disease shares characteristics with various recognized conditions, including attention-deficit disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder and a mental illness involving false beliefs about infestation by parasites (delusional parasitosis).
How long has Morgellons disease been around?
In 1674, English physician and writer Sir Thomas Browne used the term "Morgellons disease" to describe "black hairs" emerging from childhood skin lesions. Today, the Morgellons Research Foundation doesn't claim that the disorder described by Browne is the same as Morgellons disease. Rather, the foundation adopted the term as a convenient label for a set of signs and symptoms.
How widespread is Morgellons disease?
Reports of Morgellons disease have been made in every state in the United States and 15 countries around the world. Most reported cases are clustered in Calfironia, Texas and Florida.
What do researchers know about Morgellons disease?
Beyond anecdotal reports, researchers know little about Morgellons disease. The Morgellons Research Foundation reports no known causes of Morgellons disease and no successful treatment for the condition. Whether Morgellons disease is contagious remains a mystery.
How controversial is Morgellons disease?
Current attitudes toward Morgellons disease fall into various categories:
* Some health professionals believe that Morgellons disease is a specific condition likely to be confirmed by future research.
* Some health professionals believe that signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease are caused by another condition, often mental illness.
* Other health professionals don't acknowledge Morgellons disease or are reserving judgment until more is known about the condition.
Some people who suspect Morgellons disease claim they've been ignored, criticized as delusional or dismissed as fakers. In contrast, some doctors say that people who report signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease typically resist other explanations for their condition.
How can you cope with the signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease?
The signs and symptoms linked to Morgellons disease can be distressing. Even though health professionals disagree about the nature of the condition, you deserve compassionate treatment. While research continues, take positive steps to manage your signs and symptoms.
* Establish a caring health care team. Find a doctor who acknowledges your concerns and does a thorough examination. Since Morgellons disease often requires frequent follow-up visits, a local health care team may be most convenient.
* Be patient. Your doctor will likely look for known conditions that point to evidence-based treatments before considering a diagnosis of Morgellons disease.
* Keep an open mind. Consider various causes for your signs and symptoms, and follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment — which may include long-term mental health therapy.
* Seek treatment for other conditions. Get treatment for anxiety, depression or any other condition that affects your thinking, moods or behavior.
* Keep track of the latest news about Morgellons disease. Supplement the information you find online with articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Remember that some sources are more reputable than are others.
To learn more about Morgellons disease or to report suspected cases of Morgellons disease, call the CDC Morgellons information and voice mail line at 404-718-1199.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Morgellons Disease: The First Victim to Become ‘Symptom-Free’ Shares Her Story of Triumph
This compassionate story is revealed for the first time by a victim who suffered with Morgellons disease for nearly 10 years.
[ClickPress, Fri Mar 02 2007] Connie M shares a story that surely all Morgellons sufferers can relate to. A story of her struggled for many years trying desperately to get help from the medical community for an insidious disease, only to be told that she has 'Delusions of Parasitosis' or DOP and that it is 'all in her head'.
Morgellons Disease is so new that it's not even recognized by the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) as a disease. They have promised to investigate Morgellons since June of last year, but has yet to begin their investigation.
Morgellons is a horrific disease where the victim feels as though there are animals crawling under their skin and biting them constantly. Lesions bearing strange multi-colored fibers form all over their bodies. These fibers appear to be “silica based”, while all life as we know it is “carbon based”. Furthermore, these fibers do not begin to burn until they reach 1700 degrees F, leading to all sorts of rumor and speculation about their origin. Sufferers also experience chronic fatigue and 'Brain Fog' so severe, that most victims not only spend 10 to 20 hours a day sleeping, but they also can't remember what they said 2 minutes ago. These symptoms are almost always accompanied by depression and hopelessness which is intensified by the tendency for the medical community to draw a conclusion without conducting adequate research, and has lead several sufferers to suicide.
Connie's heroic story is one of fortitude and commitment to finding an effective treatment before even knowing the name of this debilitating affliction. Through a friend who's involved in the distribution of a product that's used in third world countries to purify drinking water, they stumble upon an extremely effective treatment. Connie tells of the struggles, the pain and ultimately arriving at a point where she could say “I am now symptom-free!”
Morgellons disease is reported in every state in the United States, and in most other countries, predominantly the UK, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand along with many parts of Asia.
It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people in the US and millions around the world are infected by Morgellons.
The Medical Profession has already decided that it is 'all in the victims head' and Morgellons does not exist. This is precisely what the early AIDS patients experienced 25 years ago.
“If not for the Internet, I don't know where these people could go for support”, says Jeff Sohler, founder of, one of many websites dedicated to the disease. “I would say that Morgellons is the “First Internet Disease”, and that the Internet will not only provide a “support structure” for victims, but will also be the vehicle that “raises awareness” of Morgellons. This will help change the way the people, and more notably, the medical community perceives the disease, which is the first step to finding a cure.”
Connie's video can bee seen at is an on-line Community dedicated to supporting sufferers of Morgellons Disease. The site features Articles, Videos, Blogs, Galleries, a Forum, GeoMap, Research and much more.
Jeff Sohler
Read the original article here
[ClickPress, Fri Mar 02 2007] Connie M shares a story that surely all Morgellons sufferers can relate to. A story of her struggled for many years trying desperately to get help from the medical community for an insidious disease, only to be told that she has 'Delusions of Parasitosis' or DOP and that it is 'all in her head'.
Morgellons Disease is so new that it's not even recognized by the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) as a disease. They have promised to investigate Morgellons since June of last year, but has yet to begin their investigation.
Morgellons is a horrific disease where the victim feels as though there are animals crawling under their skin and biting them constantly. Lesions bearing strange multi-colored fibers form all over their bodies. These fibers appear to be “silica based”, while all life as we know it is “carbon based”. Furthermore, these fibers do not begin to burn until they reach 1700 degrees F, leading to all sorts of rumor and speculation about their origin. Sufferers also experience chronic fatigue and 'Brain Fog' so severe, that most victims not only spend 10 to 20 hours a day sleeping, but they also can't remember what they said 2 minutes ago. These symptoms are almost always accompanied by depression and hopelessness which is intensified by the tendency for the medical community to draw a conclusion without conducting adequate research, and has lead several sufferers to suicide.
Connie's heroic story is one of fortitude and commitment to finding an effective treatment before even knowing the name of this debilitating affliction. Through a friend who's involved in the distribution of a product that's used in third world countries to purify drinking water, they stumble upon an extremely effective treatment. Connie tells of the struggles, the pain and ultimately arriving at a point where she could say “I am now symptom-free!”
Morgellons disease is reported in every state in the United States, and in most other countries, predominantly the UK, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand along with many parts of Asia.
It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people in the US and millions around the world are infected by Morgellons.
The Medical Profession has already decided that it is 'all in the victims head' and Morgellons does not exist. This is precisely what the early AIDS patients experienced 25 years ago.
“If not for the Internet, I don't know where these people could go for support”, says Jeff Sohler, founder of, one of many websites dedicated to the disease. “I would say that Morgellons is the “First Internet Disease”, and that the Internet will not only provide a “support structure” for victims, but will also be the vehicle that “raises awareness” of Morgellons. This will help change the way the people, and more notably, the medical community perceives the disease, which is the first step to finding a cure.”
Connie's video can bee seen at is an on-line Community dedicated to supporting sufferers of Morgellons Disease. The site features Articles, Videos, Blogs, Galleries, a Forum, GeoMap, Research and much more.
Jeff Sohler
Read the original article here
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