Morgellons Syndrome is epidemic worldwide with"creeping-crawling' sensations and skin lesions extruding fibers. Healing Research Institute developed treatment to extract toxins and foreign material in Morgellons subjects.
For Immediate Release
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif./EWORLDWIRE/Aug. 21, 2008 --- Morgellons Syndrome has become a worldwide epidemic, and Earth Water Baths Inc. has teamed up with Healing Research Institute to develop Morgellons' treatments.
Carlos Lerma, president of Earth Water Baths Inc. said, "We brought together the natural healing and extraction materials from the earth known for thousands of years but re-discovered as effective treatment for Morgellons Syndrome."
Dr. George Schwartz, consultant to Healing Research Institute, directed Morgellons testing. "The bathing formulas, through extraction of toxins and foreign material, allows the normal immune system to function," he said. "Of all the treatments we have studied including anti-parasitic medications, silver preparations and even medications against lice and scabies, earth water baths offers the most benefit for Morgellons Disease."
Commenting on the widespread belief that the Morgellons' condition is psychiatric and delusional parasitosis, he emphasized, "Regardless of origin - and there are many theories, the use of Earth Water Baths ( results in rapid relief and healing of lesions."
The mysterious Morgellons Disease has been featured on the Dr. Phil Show as well as on 20-20 and many local news stations. Morgellons is particularly prevalent in Florida, California and Texas, but there are reports of Morgellons Disease in all states, as well as in Canada, Europe, Asia Australia, Outer Tasmania and Africa.
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